ICM Investment Navigator

Designing a User-Centered Investment Navigator

Lead UX Designer
ICM Bank
ICM Investment Navigator

The investment navigator is a digital tool designed to help users manage their investments and make informed financial decisions. The target audience for this project was 40+ year old users who may have limited experience with investing and financial management. The main objectives of the project were to improve user understanding of their investment portfolio, provide personalized recommendations for investment opportunities, and streamline the process of making investment decisions.

Problem statement

One of the key challenges faced by the target audience was a lack of visibility into their investment portfolio. Many users reported feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to make informed decisions about their investments. Additionally, there was a need for more personalized recommendations that took into account individual risk tolerance and financial goals.


To gain a deeper understanding of the user needs and behaviors, I conducted a series of interviews with potential users and conducted a survey to gather more comprehensive data. I also conducted usability testing to observe how users interacted with a prototype of the investment navigator and identify any areas for improvement.

Based on the research findings, I implemented a number of design solutions to address the identified challenges. These included:

  • A dashboard that provided a clear overview of the user's investment portfolio, including a breakdown of investments by asset class and performance over time.
  • Personalized recommendations that took into account the user's risk tolerance and financial goals, as well as market conditions and historical performance data.
  • Interactive tools and resources to help users better understand the different types of investments and their associated risks and returns.
  • A streamlined process for making investment decisions, including the ability to easily buy and sell investments within the platform.
Design process

The design process for the investment navigator involved a number of iterations and user testing to ensure that the final product met the needs of the target audience. I started by creating low-fidelity wireframes to explore different design concepts and then moved on to more detailed high-fidelity prototypes. I conducted usability testing at each stage to gather feedback from users and make any necessary adjustments.


The investment navigator was well received by users, with many reporting that it helped them feel more confident and in control of their investments. In terms of metrics, we saw a significant increase in user engagement with the platform and a decrease in the number of support inquiries related to investment management.

The investment navigator project was successful in improving user understanding and control over their investments. By providing a clear overview of the user's portfolio, personalized recommendations, and interactive resources, I was able to help users make more informed financial decisions. The design process, which included user research and testing, was critical to ensuring that the final product met the needs of the target audience.

ICM Investment Navigator
ICM Investment Navigator
ICM Investment Navigator
ICM Investment Navigator
ICM Investment Navigator
ICM Investment Navigator

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